
A detailed analysis of a meal delivery company based on number of orders, checkout price, discounts and future forecast of orders in different centres located across different cities and regions

📍 Food-Forecasting-Analysis

A detailed analysis of a meal delivery company based on number of orders, checkout price, discounts and future forecast of orders in different centres located across different cities and regions.

Meal Data Analysis Storyboard

In this storyboard following questions and pointers have been addressed. All these insights are addressed on the basis of both number of orders and checkout price from the centers. Main focus is on stock of raw material and staffing in operational center.

  • Total summary of dataset from which insights have been drawn.
  • Which Center needs to update raw material stock based on sales and number of orders?
  • Which Cuisine raw material needs to be maintained?
  • What is the top selling cuisine and category among all the centers?
  • What are the top selling regions?
  • Relationship between centers offering discount and number of orders
  • Average number of orders and checkout price for all the centers.
  • Number of Orders Forecast in upcoming weeks.