
Dashboard for real-time searches on the Toronto Public Library website.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TPL Live

Real-time dashboard showing search data from the Toronto Public Library website.

Base Functionality

  • [Done] Connect to TPL's realtime feed of searches conducted on torontopubliclibrary.ca with WebSockets
  • [Done] Display real-time searches as they come in
  • [Done] Display a data visualization of web browsers used to conduct searches
  • [Done] Clicking a search result opens the search on the TPL website


  • Show additional stats:
    • Most common search term(s)
      • textstats branch: Mostly works, but duplicate words other than the, of, and, etc. aren't very common, so this isn't an exciting stat
    • Average search length (in characters or words)
    • Current search rate (searches per minute or searches per second)
    • Total searches that statistics are based on


This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Browser logos courtesy alrra's browser-logos.