Football World Cup Score Board.

User Story

You are working on a sports data company, and we would like you to develop a new Live
Football World Cup Score Board that shows matches and scores.
The board supports the following operations:
    1. Start a game. When a game starts, it should capture (being initial score 0 – 0):
        a. Home team
        b. Away team
    2. Finish game. It will remove a match from the scoreboard.
    3. Update score. Receiving the pair score; home team score and away team score updates a game score.
    4. Get a summary of games by total score. Those games with the same total score will be returned ordered by the most recently added to our system

Functional requirement and Use case

1. User can able to view live scoreboard (maches and scores).
2. User can able to start a game with score (0-0).
3. User can able to stop the active game from the scoreboard. 
4. User can able to get the summery of games by total score. 

Display Criteria for total score

Those games with the same total score will be returned ordered by the most recently added to our system.

Refrence class Digarm



 Framework - @angular/cli - ~13.3.1 and @angular/core: 13.3.0
 TDD - Jasmine and Karma 
 Runtime - Node v16.14.2

Use Cases Priority

-  User can able to start a game with score (0-0).
-  User can able to view live scoreboard (maches and scores).
-  User can able to stop the active game from the scoreboard. 
-  User can able to get the summery of games by total score.