
Coding problems with solution

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Problems with solution


1.Write a javaScript program to create an Array of a specified type and length.
Create Array of numeric, complex, logical, character types of length 6. - simpleArrays.js

2.Write a javaScript program to add two Arrays of integers type and length 3. - addArrays.js

3.Write a javaScript program to append value to a given empty Array. - appendElementtoArray.js

4.Write a javaScript program to multiply two Arrays of integers type and length 3. - multiplyTwoArrays.js

5.Write a javaScript program to divide two Arrays of integers type and length 3. - divideArray.js

6.Write a javaScript program to find the Sum, Mean and Product of a Array. - mean.js

7.Write a javaScript program to find the Sum, Mean and Product of a Array, ignore element like NaN. - mean1.js

8.Write a javaScript program to find the minimum and the maximum of a Array. - maxAndmin.js

9.Write a javaScript program to sort a Array in ascending and descending order. - sort.js

10.Write a javaScript program to test whether a given Array contains a specified element. - findElement.js

11.Write a javaScript program to count the specific value in a given Array. - findCount.js

12.Write a javaScript program to access the last value in a given Array. - lastIndex.js

13.Write a javaScript program to find the second highest value in a given Array. -secondHighest.js

14.Write a javaScript program to find nth highest value in a given Array. -nthhighestvalue.js

15.Write a javaScript program to find the common elements from multiple Arrays. -commonElements.js

16.Write a javaScript program to convert given objects into an Array. -objectsToArray.js

17.Write a javaScript program to extract every nth element of a given Array. -nthelement.js

18.Write a javaScript program to list the distinct values in a Array from a given Array. -uniqueElements.js

19.Write a javaScript program to reverse the order of a given Array. -reverseOrder.js

20.Write a javaScript program to concatenate an Array. -joinArrays.js

21.Write a javaScript program to count the number of values in a range in a given Array.- noOfvaluesInaRange.js

22.Write a javaScript program to convert two columns of a object to a named Array. -nestedObjectToArray.js

23.Write a javaScript program to create an Array and find the length and the dimension of the Array. -findDimension.js

24.Write a javaScript program to combine four given Arrays by columns, rows. - combineArrays.js

25.Write a javaScript program to test whether the value of the element of a given Array greater than 10 or not. return TRUE or FALSE. - greaterThanTenOrNot.js

26.Write a javaScript program to create an empty 2D Arrays. - twoDArray.js

27.Write a javaScript program to create a table from four given Arrays. - arraysToTable.js

28.Write a javaScript program to get the statistical summary and nature of the data of a given 2Dimensional array. - statsData.js

29.Write a javaScript program to extract specific property from a object using property name. - extractColumn.js

30.Write a javaScript program to extract 3rd and 5th rows with 1st and 3rd columns from a given 2D Array. - extractElements.js

31.Write a javaScript program to add a new row in a given 2D Array. -addRow.js

32.Write a javaScript program to drop column(s) by name from a given 2D Array. -dropRow.js

33.Write a javaScript program to replace NaN values with 3 in a given 2D Array. -replaceNan.js

34.Write a javaScript program to change more than one column name for a given 2D Array. -randomNumbers.js

35.Write a javaScript program to find elements which are present in two given 2D Array.-intersection.js

36.Write a javaScript program to count the number of NaN values in a 2D Array. -countNan.js

37.Write a javaScript program to create an Object containing strings, numbers, Arrays and a logical values. - objectCollection.js

38.Write a javaScript program to convert a given 2D Array to an object by rows. - arrayToObject.js

39.Write a javaScript program to convert a given matrix to an Object. - matrixToObject.js

40.Write a javaScript program to assign NULL to the given Object values. - objectToNull.js

41.Write a javaScript program to Add 10 to each element of any Array to the given number of properties. - addTen.js

42.Write a javaScript program to extract all elements except the third element of the first Array in a given Object. - exceptThirdElement.js

43.Write a javaScript program to assign new properties "a", "b" and "c" to the elements of a given Object. - newNames.js

44.Write a javaScript program to access the element at 3rd column and 2nd row, only the 3rd row and only the 4th column of a given matrix. - retrieveElements.js

45.Write a javaScript program to create two 2x3 matrix and add, subtract, multiply and divide the matrixes. -basicArrayMath.js

46.Write a javaScript program to create a correlation matrix from a 2D Array of same data type. -correlationMatrix.js

47.Write a javaScript program to create an array of two 3x3 matrices each with 3 rows and 3 columns from given two Objects. - threeCrossThree.js

48.Write a javaScript program to convert a given matrix to a 1D array. - flatten.js

49.Write a javaScript program to create an array of specified number of rows and columns - rowsColumns.js

50.Write a javaScript program to generate random quotes - randomQuotes.js

51.Write a javaScript program to check whether a given number is prime number or not - primeOrNot.js

52.Write a javaScript program to generate prime numbers based on the given upper bound and lower bound - rangeOfPrimes.js

53.Write a javaScript program to generate prime numbers based on the given upper bound - rangeOfPrimesUpperBound.js

54.Write a javaScript program to generate prime factors based on the given given number - primeFactors.js