
Contact Rest API built using spring boot - resource server spring boot starter - spring security - role based authorization is enabled and available but not used.

Primary LanguageJava


Contact Management rest API project for learning built using various concepts. Learned concepts are follows

  • Never applied paging and sorting repository before , its good learning
  • Previously used HAL - Hypertext Appliaction language (Hypermedia) but felt its too much of links - navgational links
  • OAuth Resource Server
  • JWT Authorisation and its converters
  • Annotation related to security to obtain principle object from current security contect , AuthenticationPrinciple to get jwt.
  • Need to use power of Spring expression language with function calling.
  • Need to understand postAuthorize and preAuthorize usage - roles given by client scope or by realm.(Used Keycloak for OAuth)

Open questions

  • How to access swagger url while JWT authetentication enabled ? Tried swagger-url with ant matchers to permit all but it affected other urls.
    • Bad idea to access the swagger url is , used modify http header chrome browser plugin and added manually generated oauth token to all request.
  • Even if i found way to allow swagger url alone separately , how to protect it in production?