
A Simple Contact management Application implemented using Spring Boot & Spring Data JPA

Primary LanguageJava


A Simple Contact management Application implemented using Spring Boot & Spring Data JPA

This Application is built for learning Spring boot , Hibernate with Spring Data JPA , Hibernate Validator.It doesn't concentrate much on UI part.

It uses only three tables

User - to manage login
Contact - to Store User's contact information like name , Email id (Like Contacts in Phone) and it has unidirectional many to one mapping with User .
ContactPhone - to Store Phone numbers(yes! can store more phone number for each contact) information for each contact and it has unidirectional many to one mapping with Contact.

As part of Spring MVC , this application implements

  • Request Mapping using annotations and usage of Controller,Repository annotations
  • Front End Forms to Back End DataBinding
  • Autowiring of required objects
  • Redirection from one controller to another using flashattributes

As part of Hibernate Validator, this application implements

  • Null check , length check using annotations
  • Cross field verification using class level user defined annotations
  • Usage Valid and bindingresult annotation in controller classes

As part of Spring Data JPA

  • Usage of CRUD repository
  • Usage of findBy and delete methods using different name patterns

As part of Hibernate ORM

  • Usage of Entity , ID annotations
  • Usage of Mapping annotations, used only unidirectional Many to One mapping
  • Usage of Query and Param annotations while using JPQL
  • Usage of Transactional annotations while deleteby pattern methods

What features can be implemented further ?

  • AOP for logging and security session check before accessing crtical controller methods
  • Hibernate - Fetch Type
  • Spring Session using Redis Db for clustered session management

In order to have easy development , created branch h2_database which uses in memory h2 database .

h2-database & aop-brach has following updates

  • Aspectj is used for implementing cross cutting concern like logging and session checker
  • As part of Aspectj , we can learn usage of annotation like Aspect,Point Cut expression,Around & Before advice types.

