NHS.UK Frontend

NHS.UK Frontend contains all the code you need to start building user interfaces for NHS websites and services.

Visit the NHS digital service manual for examples of components and guidance for when to use them.

How to install NHS.UK Frontend

1. Install with package managers

We recommend that you install NHS.UK Frontend using node package manager (npm).

Other package managers will become available in early 2019, such as yarn and Python Package Index (PyPi).

2. Install by using compiled files

You can also install NHS.UK Frontend using our compiled files, if you are not currently using a package manager.

Browsers and assistive technology

Visit our support for browsers and assistive technology, for details on operating systems and software.


Contribute to NHS.UK Frontend by following our guidelines.

We created this library with help from:

Get in touch

NHS.UK Frontend is maintained by NHS Digital. Email nhsdigital.nhsuk-frontend@nhs.net, or open a Github issue.


The codebase is released under the MIT License, unless stated otherwise. This covers both the codebase and any sample code in the documentation. The documentation is © Crown copyright and available under the terms of the Open Government 3.0 licence.