Display focus indicator for the active intractable element in a webpage
- 4
Enable/Disable button is relying on color alone
#13 opened by renatoi - 3
- 2
Missing the hidden element warning
#28 opened by peterquale - 2
Package for Firefox as well
#23 opened by jandsu - 1
- 2
Option to show current active element
#15 opened by AllenReyes - 0
Customize focus-indicator width
#12 opened by sarbbottam - 0
Customize focus-indicator color
#11 opened by sarbbottam - 1
- 1
Add options page
#16 opened by sarbbottam - 0
Update readme with usage
#10 opened by sarbbottam - 1
Can the release be automated?
#3 opened by sarbbottam - 1
- 0
- 0
Animate focus-indicator
#9 opened by sarbbottam - 0
Why not use outline with -ve offset?
#7 opened by sarbbottam - 1
Alternative approach
#5 opened by sarbbottam - 0
- 0