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Accessibility walk through

Please refer this youtube video Usage

<!-- following markup is required at the minimum -->
<div class="container-reel" id="container-reel">
  <div class="reel" id="reel-1"></div>
  <div class="reel" id="reel-2"></div>
  <div class="reel" id="reel-3"></div>
<div role="alert" aria-live="assertive" aria-relevant="additions" id="result"></div>
<button type="button" class="button" id="button-start">Start</button>
var SlotMachine = require('../src/slot-machine');

/* HTML elements to passed to the SlotMachine constructor*/
var reelContainer = document.getElementById('container-reel');
var startButton = document.getElementById('button-start');
var resultContainer = document.getElementById('result');

var reel1 = document.getElementById('reel-1');
var reel2 = document.getElementById('reel-2');
var reel3 = document.getElementById('reel-3');

/* instantiate the slotMachine */
var slotMachine = new SlotMachine({
  reels: [
      ['coffee maker', 'teapot', 'espresso machine'],
      ['coffee filter', 'tea strainer', 'espresso tamper'],
      ['coffee grounds', 'loose tea', 'ground espresso beans']
  sequence: ['coffee', 'tea', 'expresso'],
  reelNodes: [ reel1, reel2, reel3],
  reelContainer: reelContainer,
  startButton: startButton,
  resultContainer: resultContainer,
  slotHeight: 100,
  text: {
    jackpot: 'Congratulations, you won a free {drink}.',
    tryAgain: 'Better luck next time.'
  css: {
    jackpot: 'jackpot',
    result: 'result'


Want to improve the functionality

  • fork the repo
  • clone the forked repo
  • cd into the cloned repo
  • npm i or sudo npm i to install the dependencies
  • grunt dev will start watching for any changes and trigger the necessary tasks. Refer the tasks folder for task related details.
  • grunt js:ci will test the functionality against SauceLabs.
  • prior using grunt js:ci, export SAUCE_USERNAME & SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY
