
⚡ Lightweight JS highlighter

Primary LanguageJavaScript


highliter is a lite JS highlighting library with no dependencies ⚡

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Sometimes it's good to re-invent the wheel (or at least part of it).

highliter was born out of my attempt to understand the Range API.

I took a lot of inspiration from alienzhou's web-highlighter library, and large potions of the code is directly modelled after his code. However, there are some differences in the underlying implementation (look at getHighlightRanges() in src/util/dom.js for example) which (the author contends) has resulted in a major improvement in readability in most parts of the code. The main differences between highliter and web-highlighter are:

  1. it uses TreeWalker to retrieve the list of text nodes which overlap the selected range, resulting in much simpler code
  2. ...uses Range API's surroundContents() method instead of the more verbose method of creating documentFragments
  3. ...fixes a minor implementation error in web-highlighter in which an incorrect range is restored if the absolute offset of the saved range (relative to its parent element) is 0 (see the comment here for details)
  4. ...supports the creation and deletion of overlapping highlights in a fundamentally different (and much simpler) way than web-highlighter. The key insight here is that instead of partitioning partially overlapped highlights into separate highlights, we can allow nested highlights by storing the highlighted range relative to the nearest parent element which is not a highlight element. The absToRelativeOffset() method then handles the conversion to locate the correct startContainer and endContainer for the range the library is trying to restore
  5. ...but offers less customizability compared to web-highlighter

The library should be thought of as an experimental work, and as such has no test coverage. It is not recommended for use in a production environment.


npm i highliter


import Highliter from 'highliter';
const highliter = new Highliter();

The highlighting functionality is automatically enabled by default upon importing. To prevent this, immediately call .pause() to temporarily disable it until further action, like so:



Check out the demo page here, or look inside the demo folder for the source code.

To run the demo locally, clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/sarckk/highliter.git

Change into the directory and install the dependencies:

npm i

Then run the following npm script:

npm start

...and visit http://localhost:8080/ to play around with the demo.

API Guide

Optional parameters

Pass in the options when initialising a new instance of the Highliter class like so:

const highliter = new Highliter({
  highlightColor: '#42f575',
  hoverColor: '#f5d142',
  customTagName: 'custom-element',
  exclude: ['li', 'div']

All options:

name type description required default
highlightColor string RGB/RGBA/HEX string of the initial highlight color No #FAFF60
hoverColor string RGB/RGBA/HEX string of the initial highlight color No #F1F73B
customTagName string Kebab-case (dash in the name) string representing the name of the custom html element which will wrap around each text node in the highlight rangemore info No highlight-snippet
exclude string or array<string> A single string or an array of strings of the tag name of elements whose child text nodes will be excluded during highlights No ['SCRIPT','STYLE','NO-SCRIPT']

more info: Any names with dash-separated strings will do, except for the following reserved names:

  • annotation-xmli
  • color-profile
  • font-face
  • font-face-src
  • font-face-uri
  • font-face-format
  • font-face-name
  • missing-glyph

See here for the full discussion.

Important properties


An object containing the property range which is the the javascript Range object representing the currently selected range after clean-up, and isSelectionBackwards which is the boolean value representing whether or not the selection was made in reverse direction (right to left).


Currently selected highlight color


Currently selected hover color (color of snippets when user hovers over it)

static Highliter.Events

Object containing constants representing the names of events triggered by the Highliter instance. Can be thought of as an enum. There are 10 possible events which the user can listen to, and some of the events will pass in arguments to the callback function. If the callback receives an argument, it will be an object with properties described under the table column argument property under each event:

  1. Events.HOVER triggers when mouse enters a highlight
    argument property description type
    highlightID Value of the highlightId custom data attribute of the highlight element which the mouse has entered string(uuid)
  2. Events.HOVER_OUT triggers when mouse exits a highlight
    argument property description type
    highlightID Value of the highlightId custom data attribute of the highlight element which the mouse has left string(uuid)
  3. Events.CLICKED triggers when mouse clicks a highlight
    argument property description type
    highlightID Value of the highlightId custom data attribute of the highlight element which has been clicked string(uuid)
  4. Events.CLICKED_OUT triggers when mouse clicks outside of the highlight which is in a clicked state
    argument property description type
    highlightID Value of the highlightId custom data attribute of the currently clicked highlight element which the mouse has clicked out of string(uuid)
  5. Events.CREATED triggers when a highlight is created
    argument property description type
    highlight Object obtained from parsing a serialized highlight which has been successfully created from user input Object
  6. Events.LOADED triggers when a highlight is loaded
    argument property description type
    highlight Object obtained from parsing a serialized highlight which has been successfully restored in the DOM from another source Object
  7. Events.REMOVED triggers when a highlight is removed
    argument property description type
    highlightID Value of the highlightId custom data attribute of the highlight element removed string(uuid)
  8. Events.ERROR_LOADING triggers when a serialized highlight is malformed / invalid and cannot not be restored
    argument property description type
    highlight Object obtained from parsing a serialized highlight Object
    error Error message explaining reason why the highlight failed to be restored string
  9. Events.SHOW_MENU Triggers when user has selected a new valid range (to be used to position menu)

    No argument passed

  10. Events.HIDE_MENU Triggers when the menu has to be hidden

    No argument passed

Users can listen to any of one of these events like so:

  .on(Highliter.Events.HOVER, ({ highlightID }) => {
    // do something on hover
  .on(Highliter.Events.HOVER_OUT, ({ highlightID }) => {
    // do something on hover out
  .on(Highliter.Events.CLICKED_OUT, ({ highlightID }) => {
    // do something on click out

Exposed methods


Adds event listeners to enable all core highlighting features. Text selected is not automatically highlighted, but instead it listens to a custom highlight event to create a highlight. Call this method to restart the highlighter after .pause() or .terminate()


Pauses ability to highlight by removing event listenings on mouseup and highlight. Existing highlights on the DOM can still be clicked and hovered on.


Completely removes all highlighter related functionalities and clears all highlights on the screen


Restores highlights from an array of js object(s) containing info about each highlight. The argument highlights is an array of objects obtained from parsing the serialized JSON data of highlights. For each object in highlights, it will emit Events.ERROR_LOADING if it fails to restore the highlight, and Events.LOADED if successful.


Changes the highlight color. The argument color is a string representing either the RGB, RGBA or HEX value of the color of the highlight created.


Changes the hover color of the highlights. The argument color is a string representing either the RGB, RGBA or HEX value of the color which a highlight takes on when a mouse enters it


Removes all highlight snippets with the highlightId data attribute matching the argument passed in from the DOM. The argument highlightID is a string representing the uuid given to each highlight.


Clears all highlights from the DOM.

How to create a highlight

By default, the Highliter instance does not create a highlight whenever a user selects a new range. It does this because most use cases dictates a user to confirm the highlight, such as by pressing a button (the exposed events Highliter.Events.SHOW_MENU and Highliter.Events.HIDE_MENU are provided to make the hiding/showing and positioning of a menu easy to implement). Instead, it listens for the highlight event, which is a custom event that needs to be dispatched by the script using this library. For example, in demo/menu.js, this is done by adding a click event listener to the highlight-menu element, and dispatching a new CustomEvent whenever it is clicked:

this.addEventListener('click', () => {
    new CustomEvent('highlight', {
      bubbles: true,
      composed: true // required here in order to cross ShadowDOM boundary

Note: In the particular example above, composed:true has to be set because the event is being dispatched from within a shadow dom and thus the property needs to be set to true so that the highlight event can bubble past the shadow dom boundary and reach the event listener in the document.


  • Add support for mixing of colors for overlapping highlights