
Commanded Generators for Phoenix Apps

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


A Commanded code generator for Phoenix applications. This is UNDER CONSTRUCTION, not ready for live use!

The intended audience is new Commanded developers, to get experimental apps up and running quickly.

Experienced Commanded developers can bypass this scaffolding and use the Commanded tooling directly.

The overall direction is to explore how to generate a Commanded app from a data-structure like GraphQL SDL. To guide our work, we'll follow the application described in Event Sourcing with Elixir by Bruno Antunes.

I'll slowly chip away at this, and welcome collaborators and PRs. Chat about Commanded on Gitter or Slack.


First, generate an API-only Phoenix app:

$ mix phx.new my_app --no-webpack --no-html
$ cd my_app

Then install this package by adding phoenix_commanded to your list of dependencies in my_app/mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:phoenix_commanded, git: "https://github.com/andyl/phoenix_commanded"},

Then run mix commands to configure your app and generate code.

$ mix deps.get
$ mix phxcom.add.config    # add Commanded config w/comspec
$ mix phxcom.add.estore    # add Commanded event-stores
$ mix phxcom.gen.code      # generate Aggregates, Commands, Events, ...

At this point, you'll have a set of generated directories and source files. You'll have to manually fill out the code stubs, then you can compile and run your application.

$ mix compile              # compile the generated code
$ mix ecto.create          # create read-store 
$ mix ecto.migrate         # migrate the read-store
$ mix test                 # run tests
$ mix phx.server           # run server

In another terminal view your API endpoints with $ mix phx.routes.

Now you can use curl or your favorite rest-client to interact with your Phoenix/Commanded application.

Mix Commands

Run $ mix phxcom to see all generators and generator options.

The Comspec

Phxcom code generation is specified as a configuration option in the file config/comspec.exs.

You can view the comspec with the command $ mix phxcom.show.comspec.

Commanded Elements

Each generated context will contain a standard set of Commanded elements.

Element Directory Alias
API / User
Aggregate aggregate/ A
Command command/ C
Command Middleware command/middleware/ CM
Command Handler command/handler/ CH
Command Router command/router/ CR
Command Validator command/validator/ CV
Event event/ E
Event Handler event/handler/ EH
Event Projector event/projector/ EP
Read read/ R
Read Schema read/schema/ RS
Read Query read/query/ RQ
Saga (ProcessMgr) saga/ S

Here's how things look on the filesystem...


Here's how the Commanded elements flow together...


Design Notes

Database: We use Postgres for the Event Store, for :dev, :prod and :test

Context API: We generate the same API interface as is used by the standard Phoenix/Ecto generators. Your Commanded contexts should be interoperable with a Phoenix-generated context, and should work seamlessly with Phoenix-generated views.