
Ansible modules for managing Cassandra users and roles

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Cassandra Ansible Module

Supplies modules for administering Cassandra roles and granting permissions to those roles.


  1. Enable authentication in Cassandra
  2. Have cassandra-driver python package installed on the target machine

Enable auth in Cassandra

E.g. set the following properties in /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yml:

authenticator: PasswordAuthenticator
authorizer: CassandraAuthorizer

Once this is updated and the cluster restarted a default user of cassandra with password cassandra will be required to login.

This config change and restart must be applied before you can add permissions.

Install cassandra-driver

The package is: cassandra-driver and it can be install via pip.

Docs: https://datastax.github.io/python-driver/api/cassandra/query.html

Why is there no cassandra_user module?

In Cassandra's permissioning system, there are just roles. However, roles can (optionally) login and roles can inherit other roles (so roles can be used in a very user-like way).

A suggested setup would be have 'role' roles which can't login (but are granted the keyspace permissions), and 'user' roles which can login and inherit their permissions from roles.


  1. Create role role_select_all who can not login but is granted access to select anything from any keyspace/table.
  2. Create 'pseudo-user' (a role which can login) and assign them the role role_select_all.

See example-tasks for how this can be done.


Written in comments in library/*.