
Laravel package to incorporate beautiful noty notifications into laravel as flash messages.

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Laravel Noty

Laravel package to incorporate beautiful noty notifications into laravel as flash messages.

Tested with version 3.2.0 of noty.


Main Window


  • PHP >= 5.6
  • Laravel 5
  • noty


Via Composer

$ composer require sarfraznawaz2005/noty

For Laravel < 5.5:

Add Service Provider to config/app.php in providers section


Publish package's config file by running below command:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Sarfraznawaz2005\Noty\NotyServiceProvider"

It should publish config/noty.php config file.

Setup Noty

Before using this package, make sure you include noty library into your project either by using npm/yarn/etc or directly including its css and js files:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/noty.css"/>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/noty.js"></script>

and then add this in your view/layout file:




noty($message, $type = '', array $options = [])

In your controllers, you can now do:

public function store()
    noty('Success Message', 'success');

    return redirect()->back();

Following are types of notifications you can send:

noty('Your Message'); // default (info)
noty('Your Message', 'success');
noty('Your Message', 'error');
noty('Your Message', 'warning');
noty('Your Message', 'alert');

With $options, you can also override noty config values for individual notifications example:

noty('My Notification', null, ['layout' => 'top', 'timeout' => 5000]);



Please see the license file for more information.