The random time quote generator is firstly structured by providing an array literal of quote object values that include;
- Quote
- Source
- Citation
- Year
- Tags
Nextly, by constructing a function to randomly grab a quote from the array, the 1-5 listed values of each quote using the Maths.random function will be queued and ready to print.
Thirdly, by making a function that prints the values of each quote and determins if each quote has every attribute listed in the 1-5 listed values by using an if else clause, the function will only print the values if available.
Next, for extra credit i constructed a random color generator function that prints a different color background to each new quote printed to the screen. Also for extra points, i made a timer function to generate a quote on regular 10 second intervals.
Lastly, just because it's fun to do, i changed the css styling properties to include change of the opacity of the quote box to a lighter color to bring through the background picture more and also added a water ripple effect over the whole screen using an Ajax plugin.