Playwright Framework: Atomic Design with Parallel Execution


This repository contains a Java-based framework for UI testing, showcasing dynamic test data generation techniques. Designed for efficiency and clarity in automated testing, it incorporates key principles like faster execution, higher stability, easier maintenance, test isolation, and enhanced reusability.

Framework Details

  • Programming Language: Typescript
  • Design Pattern: Page Object Model & Atomic Tests

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo using below URL
git clone
  1. Navigate to folder:
cd playwright-parallel-execution-atomic-design
  1. Build the project
npm install
  1. Run tests
npx playwright test
  1. Run the tests in parallel against Selenium Grid
SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL=http://localhost:4444/wd/hub npx playwright test

Go to repo to setup an application under the test and Selenium Grid to run this suite against it