- 10
- 16
Error on JDK21
#47 opened by hendisantika - 1
Send With Email Template or MailGun Template
#45 opened by hendisantika - 4
- 6
InjectionManagerFactory not found
#38 opened by hendisantika - 4
NoSuchMethodError 'void, java.util.List)'
#43 opened by ryanjanborja - 5
Add support for Mailgun's MIME API call
#22 opened by rafaelgsra - 0
Configuration.apiURL() does not exist
#42 opened by sawo - 5
Validate that template exists before sending
#41 opened by DSKostadinov - 1
Templates support
#39 opened by kolisko - 1
- 9
#37 opened by hendisantika - 2
How to send HTML with thymeleaf
#35 opened by kopax - 0
Add support for logging
#34 opened by kopax - 2
- 10
Resource leak by not closing the client
#32 opened by ben-manes - 6
- 5
Error message
#10 opened by ArielS1 - 13
SSL Handshake problem.
#27 opened by rfoliveira01 - 3
Unable to pass the HTTPHeader
#30 opened by chapcoder - 3 configuration?
#29 opened by binakot - 5
- 13
Cannot Build Android Release APK
#1 opened by MarkyC - 3
Issue below API 19
#26 opened by baignomi - 1
iCal Mime Messages
#25 opened by pgali - 1
Batch Send - Recipient Support
#24 opened by pgali - 1
How to Multiple attachment?
#23 opened by Gauthamrathinakumar - 4
Add sender parameter to Configuration
#21 opened by ofirmiron - 1
what's apiKey
#20 opened by hhhaiai - 1
Thank you for the library.
#19 opened by brsanthu - 3
- 1
adding header
#17 opened by adhinugroho1711 - 2
get events
#16 opened by adhinugroho1711 - 9
- 3
This is not an issue. I just want to explain how to use this library on Android
#12 opened by RahimRahimov - 10
Java 8
#11 opened by svangsgaard - 6
How best to debug a bad request?
#8 opened by RobWills - 1
Response to return message body
#7 opened - 3
Specifically use JerseyClientBuilder
#6 opened by jphollanti - 2
inline attachments
#4 opened by lancedfr - 1
Remove glassfish dependency
#3 opened by pcj - 3
1.1.0 not available
#2 opened by pcj