
Demo project for how to setup capistrano-demo

Primary LanguageRuby

== Welcome to Rails

== Getting Started

1. This directory is the continuation of week 1.  If you have not completed the tasks from week 1, you should
    run steps #2 and #3, otherwise skip to step #4.
2. (Optional) Verify you can login to the database.  The username and passwords are in config/database.yml
3. (Optional) Create the database by running "rake db:create" and "rake db:migrate".  If the database already exists,
    you can run "rake db:migrate VERSION=0" and "rake db:migrate" to start over with this code.
4. Start the server by running "ruby script/server"
5. Go to http://localhost:3000/ and get "Welcome aboard: You're riding the Rails!"
6. Start Reading Chapter 7 of Agile Web Development with Rails (Third Edition)

== Week 2 Summary
This week we added a shopping cart to our Depot application.  We added the Store controller and the associated view pages.

Tasks Covered:
	script/generate controller XXXXXXX YYYYYY YYYYYY (XXXXXXX = controller name, YYYYYY = function names in the controller)
	Adding a class method to the Product model
		def self.function_name
	Implemented a view and a layout to improve how the store looks
	Created a stylesheet for our application
	Used a helper function to format our Price in the views
	Added a button (button_to) to provide a way for the customer to add a book to their shopping cart
== Past Weeks
=== Week 1 Summary

This week we added to our Depot shopping cart.  We added the Products Model and the scaffold
pages needed to view the product details.

Tasks Covered:
	script/generate scaffold ________
  Creating Database Migration Scripts
  Migrating a database
  Verified we could add/edit/destroy products via the website
  Adding database fields/columns with a Migration
  Adding fields/columns to our Views
  Adding data validation to our Models to make sure valid data is put into the database
    validate # validate via a function
  Adding test data to our database using migrations

Homework Tasks:
  Change the views so that the price has a $ in front of it
  Add a new link to the Show Product page so a user can create a new Item from that page
  Add a Author field to the Products table