Avon's Adventure

An open source, free to play game with zero monetization (no ads, no mircrotransactions, etc). I'm building this for players to enjoy, as well as an example for those who are interested in learning game development.

Play it, fork it, mod it, learn from it, but most of all have fun.

This readme is a living document, and will be updated as the game grows and progresses.



Our story revolves around Avon and his twin brother Ivan. For as long as he can remember, Avon has been perfectly content living a quiet life in familiar surroundings: seeing familiar faces, eating familiar food, smelling familiar scents, and hearing familiar sounds.

Ivan, in stark contrast, is a driven adventurer. He is drawn to the unknown and is engaged in a constant search for new lands, new treasures, and new stories.

While Avon and Ivan live in the same small island town, Ivan is seldom there for more than a week while Avon has never set foot on the mainland.

Avon likes his life, but when he wakes suddenly on a rainy summer night with a terrible vision, everything changes.

Chapter 1 - The Unlikely Hero

Avon sat upright in his bed, breathing heaviliy. He had just had a dream that his twin brother, Ivan, was in mortal danger. The next day Avon talks to people in town, and someone suggests he sees a wizard who specializes in twin magic, Ydora...

TODO: Add story about sword.

(Avon must get the sword before leaving town)

Chapter 2 - The Great Wizard

The road to Ydora's is fraught with danger. But by fighting things off with the sword, Avon grows fond of the tattered blade. Ydora interprets the dream to be true, and tells Avon of the evil menace Jathanza and the prophecy of his defeat. The prophecy is that the twin of Jathanza's sacrifice will rise to the occasion and save his brother from death. The twin will weild an dual elemental sword to defeat Jathanza.

Ydora explained that there were three swords, all capable of defeating Jathanza if paired with the correct element. A wooden sword, a stone sword, and a metal sword. The wooden sword came from the elves, in deep in the Western Woodlands. The stone sword came from giants, in the Hills of Yold. And lastly, the metal sword was forged by the dwarves in the Anjir Mountains.

Ydora continued, telling Avon a tale of three elemental fragments, that could be combined with any one of the swords forged by the nation's inhabitants. There was a fire fragment, an ice fragment, and a thunder fragment.

Chapter 3 - The Choice of Power

(Chapter 3 branches based on which elemental fragment Avon chooses to pursue.)

Avon follows a path to the center of the land, where the road splits in 4 directions. North is the temple of Jathanza, where you can only go after attaining a charged dual elemental sword. North-East is the mountain coast, and off the shores, the ice mountain. West is the path to the dessert. East is the path to

Chapter 3A - The Path of Fire

(Avon chooses the path to the fire fragment).

Avon adventures accross the dessert (stopping in a town / location or two) and eventually finds the ancient pyramid.

Inside the pyramid is a labyrinth full of undead. Avon fights through them until arriving at the central chamber and fighting a flaming spirit in a bottle.

Avon receives an extra life and the fire fragment. He fits the fragment to the blade and gains the ability to shoot exploding fireballs in any direction.

Chapter 3B - Tha Path of Ice

(Avon chooses the path to the ice fragment).

Avon adventures through valleys and up the mountain (stopping at a couple more locations, able to obtain a pick axe) and eventually encounters a great pheonix that can fly him to an isolated mountain on an island at sea.

Avon flies to the sea mountain and enters it's dark cave. He fights through an army of ice spirits, and the great ice spirit.

Avon finds an extra life and the ice fragment. He fits the ice fragment into the blade and gains the ability to shoot ice chunks that freeze enemies and water.

Chapter 3C - The Path of Thunder

(Avon chooses the path to the lightning fragment).

First Avon hikes many hills, and then eventually walks nothing but flat grasslands. He walks until he reaches the giant tree, which is constantly being struck by lightning at the top.

Contributing Guide

If you enjoy the game and wish to contribute, that's great! In order to keep things consistent with the graphics style, story and world designs, I unfortunately need to be quite strict about what is merged into the master branch / official build. That being said, I have created a second branch called community which is the official community build of the game. I'm much more lenient about what gets merged into this branch. As long as your code doesn't break anything or cause any major gameplay issues, go nuts!