Example pipeline for helloworld node application

Bluemix Containers have gone live! Before you start with this example you need to setup a namespace. The namespace is set for each organization and will be used for your image repositories names in your organizations private Container Registry. To setup a namespace, simply login to Bluemix, and click Start Containers.
If you have not setup a namespace you will be asked to. Even if you were a beta participant you will need to create a new namespace.

Now press this button, to get your own copy of the sample running in Bluemix !

Deploy To Bluemix


IBM DevOps Services has a Continuous Delivery Pipeline for deploying Cloud Foundry applications, containers, and micro-services to IBM Bluemix. You can use a textual representation of a pipeline defined by a pipeline.yml file, which makes it easy to share and copy interesting pipelines. The Deploy to Bluemix button provides a simple way to clone a project that includes the source files and the Delivery Pipeline configuration.

The application

Helloworld node application

The pipeline

As simple as it gets

  • Build
    • Leverages the container build service to take the Dockerfile in the root of the project, builds a docker image that is versioned by tagging based on the build number, and pushes the image to your orgnanization's registry on IBM Bluemix.
  • Deploy
    • • Using the container image from the Build stage, a container group is deployed with a single container to start with, and then a route is generated for the Deploy stage that will be reused across deployments.
