Project Title


This React application provides a user-friendly feedback and grievance system for the Retaurant [Khaana Khajana App]. Users can submit feedback on their dining experience and view past submissions for reference

Project Type

Frontend (React)

Deployed App


Video Walkthrough of the project



  • Feedback Form: Users can provide feedback by entering their name, email, phone, and ratings for service, beverage, cleanliness, and overall experience.
  • Feedback List: Submitted feedback is displayed in a clear table format, allowing users to review past entries.
  • Local Storage: Data is stored locally in the user's browser for easy access without requiring additional server infrastructure.

Design Decisions or Assumptions

  • Chakra-UI is used for a clean and modern design.
  • Feedback is stored in local storage for simplicity, but you can consider implementing a backend for more advanced features and persistence across devices.

Installation & Getting started

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    cd React_F-G_Sarika
    npm install
  3. Run the development server:

    npm start

This will start the application in development mode at http://localhost:3000/.


  1. Submit Feedback (Tab 1):

Fill out the feedback form with your details and ratings. Click the Submit button. Upon successful submission, a confirmation message is displayed, and the data is stored in local storage.

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  1. View Feedback (Tab 2):

Submitted feedback entries are displayed in a table format. Clicking on a table row opens a detail view with all submitted information.

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Technology Stack

List and provide a brief overview of the technologies used in the project.

  • Reactjs
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Chakra UI (for UI components)
  • Local Storage (for data persistence)