BiteSpeed Chatbot Flow Builder


This project builds a user-friendly Chatbot flow builder using React and the powerful React Flow library ( It empowers users to create intricate chatbot conversation flows by visually connecting message nodes, laying the groundwork for adding more node types in the future.

Project Type


Deployed App (Placeholder)


Video Walkthrough



  • Text Node:

    The initial node type, allowing users to define chatbot messages. Multiple Text Nodes can be incorporated into a single flow.
  • Extensible Node Panel:

    Designed to accommodate future node additions, making the Chatbot flow builder versatile.
  • Edge Connections:

    Visually represent the conversation flow by connecting nodes with lines.
  • Source and Target Handles:

    Maintain connection integrity by ensuring only one outgoing edge originates from a source handle and allowing multiple incoming edges for target handles.
  • Settings Panel:

    Contextually replaces the Nodes Panel when a Text Node is selected, offering a text field for editing the message content.
  • Save Button:

    Enables users to persist the created chatbot flow. However, the implementation currently prevents saving flows in which all nodes lack target connections (error message displayed).

Design Decisions & Assumptions

  • Technology Stack:

    The project primarily relies on React and React Flow for building the interactive flow builder interface.
  • Future Node Types:

    The extensible Node Panel facilitates the seamless introduction of new node types (e.g., conditional branching, user input handling) in the future.
  • Saving Functionality:

    The save function is designed to prevent saving flows with unconnected nodes to ensure a well-defined conversation flow. Consider implementing further logic for handling potential errors or partial saves.

Installation & Getting Started


Ensure you have Node.js and npm (or yarn) installed on your system.

Clone the Repository:

git clone

Install Dependencies:

cd react-flow-assignment
npm install

Start the Development Server:

npm start
 (or `yarn start`)

This will launch the development server and open the application in your default web browser, typically at http://localhost:3000.


Create a Chatbot Flow:

Drag and drop Text Nodes from the Nodes Panel onto the canvas. Connect nodes using the source and target handles to define the conversation flow. Double-click on a Text Node to open the Settings Panel and edit the message content.

Save the Flow (Optional):

Click the Save Button when you're satisfied with your flow. The application currently prevents saving flows with unconnected nodes. Ensure your flow has a well-defined structure before saving.

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Technology Stack

React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

React Flow: Library providing drag-and-drop functionality for creating the flow builder interface.

Tailwind CSS: Styling Library used for styling the components.