
POINTREC: A Test Collection for Narrative-driven Point of Interest Recommendation

Primary LanguagePython

POINTREC: A Test Collection for Narrative-driven Point of Interest Recommendation

POINTREC is a test collection for point of interest (POI) recommendation, comprising of (i) a set of information needs, (ii) a dataset of POIs, and (iii) graded relevance assessments for information need and POI pairs. Additionally, we include recommendations by multiple variants of a simple baseline method.

Information needs

The infoneeds.json file contains a set of 112 information needs, which were manually collected and enriched with metadata from Yahoo! Answers and Reddit.

POI dataset

The poi_dataset/ folder contains our POIs collection, organized by countries (folders) and cities (JSON files). See this page for statistics.

Relevance assessments

The relevance/assessments.tsv file contains the raw relevance assessments collected via crowdsourcing. For each information need-POI pair (columns 1 and 2), column 3 contains a space-separated list of relevance ratings that were given by workers. There are at least 3 ratings for each pair.

For each information need-POI pair, the relevance ratings are consolidated into a single ground truth label. This consolidation is performed by the relevance/create_qrels.py script. The resulting ground truth file, in TREC qrels format, is relevance/qrels.trec.


Recommendations are generated by three variants of a simple content-based recommender. These can be found under baselines/ in TREC runfile format. The table below shows their performance using graded (NDCG@5 and NDCG@10) and binary (MRR, MAP) metrics. Specifically, we use the trec_eval tool for evaluation using the following settings. (Note the use of the -c flag, as the baselines may not return any results for some of the information needs.)

For graded relevance:

trec_eval -c -m ndcg_cut relevance/qrels.trec baselines/baselineX.trec

For binary relevance (only the highest relevance level 3 is accepted as relevant):

trec_eval -c -l3 relevance/qrels.trec baselines/baselineX.trec
Baseline 1 0.6389 0.5812 0.5812 0.3304
Baseline 2 0.4109 0.3979 0.2814 0.0667
Baseline 3 0.6784 0.6573 0.5535 0.2506