
Reorganizing opencart

Primary LanguageJava


Detach opencart demo site related testing from automation UI project and include multiple QA members to do testing

Test APP


Install Opencart in your local Ubuntu (optional)

Agile Board


Test cases


Level in Test :

  1. Test Steps -> Reusable test steps, all are test
  2. Workflows (group of test steps preset for testing)
  3. Tests, for specific purposes 4. Groupped Tests 5. Tests Suits.

Libs:(gradually Increments) Selenium-java Junit Allure-Junit SL4J AspectJ

Running The tests : Maven Test Run ->Locally ->From Jenkins or any CI (for CLI support , there will be an entry from Program -> main method) ->With Webdriver Remote Driver execution


Fork it. Create a branch (git checkout -b myBranch) Commit your changes (git commit -am "Added feature") Push to the branch (git push origin myBranch) Create a new Issue with a link to your branch, or just make a Pull Request.

I will enrich more scripts so that it is useful to support more typr of angular apps

Project structure

  • Single Module Maven Project to minimize complexity

  • Cucumber intregration (optional, open for discussion)

  • Allure Integration (optional, open for discussion)

Project Goal

Testing Open cart site


Dwnload driver and put in driver folder (which will be used in property)

Notes :

Currently, code is out dated


  • Selenium
  • Webdriver Manager

Useful Maven comamnds

  • To test : mvn test, mvn verify
  • To Run

Report :

  1. Allure report : need to specify style
  2. Maven failsafe
  3. Cucumber

Report Note

-create a folder for reports in project root (src lavel)

remote driver

  • Remote Driver management

Todo :

  1. Yandex Element
  2. Selenide
  3. Local Remote Driver
  4. Test Case in Allure
  5. Jenkins test jobs
