
An easy, gaming way to learn kids the programming basics

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MiniProg / ProgBot

There are many similar games on the market, but their learning curve is too steep for kids. One or two examples are not enough for them, they need more to prepare for the upcoming levels. My experience is that my 5 year old son enjoys playing on the first two levels, but doesn't understand the third level, thus never playing the successive levels, because the newer parts come too fast. He cannot learn the foundations that quick, so he can't use or combine them with future elements.

This game contains plenty of levels for kids to really get into abstraction, logic, control, selection, etc. This provides enough time for kids to get familiar with each topic, while giving them enough time to learn how to combine exisiting knowledge with the newer elements.

It was developed on computer running linux and it was designed mainly for android. It should work on desktop and mobiles, but it was not tested - don't expect me to make it work on Internet Explorer.


You should build all source file to run the game. It is easy, but you need to installed nodejs on your computer. To build, run this simple command in the root of this project:


After that you have some new file in the dist folder. Open the html file in the browser, and enjoy :)