
A Django package to handle SadaBiz payment links.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Sada is a Django package designed to handle SadaBiz payment links.


To install the package, you can use pip:

pip install sada


After installing the package, you need to add it to your Django project.

In your settings.py file, add sada to your INSTALLED_APPS:


Then, include the sada URLconf in your project urls.py:

from django.urls import include

urlpatterns = [
path('sada/', include('sada.urls')),

Now you can run Django's command to check for any database migrations:

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate


Sada provides two main models: Product and Price.

  • Product represents a product with fields like name, description, active, and metadata.
  • Price represents the pricing information related to a product.


Sada provides several views for managing products and prices:

  • ProductListView: Displays a list of all products.

  • ProductDetailView: Displays detailed information about a specific product.

  • ProductCreateView: Allows you to create a new product.

  • ProductUpdateView: Allows you to update an existing product.

  • ProductDeleteView: Allows you to delete a product.

  • PriceListView: Displays a list of all prices.

  • PriceDetailView: Displays detailed information about a specific price.

  • PriceCreateView: Allows you to create a new price.

  • PriceUpdateView: Allows you to update an existing price.

  • PriceDeleteView: Allows you to delete a price.

These views are accessible via the URLs defined in sada/urls.py.


Sada provides several templates for displaying products and prices:

  • sada/product/product_list.html: Displays a list of all products.

  • sada/product/product_detail.html: Displays detailed information about a specific product.

  • sada/product/product_form.html: Displays a form for creating or updating a product.

  • sada/product/product_confirm_delete.html: Displays a confirmation prompt before deleting a product.

  • sada/price/price_list.html: Displays a list of all prices.

  • sada/price/price_detail.html: Displays detailed information about a specific price.

  • sada/price/price_form.html: Displays a form for creating or updating a price.

  • sada/price/price_confirm_delete.html: Displays a confirmation prompt before deleting a price.

You can customize these templates to suit your needs.


Sada is licensed under the MIT License. For more information, see the LICENSE file.