This program performs linear regression using GD/SGD to optimize its parameters The best model is found by utilizing 10 cross validation that is then used on the "test" set. The parameters that are searched on are: - GD step size (alpha) - SGD batch size - regularization calculation or type - regularization coefficient
Steps to run program
- Download files from kaggle at
- Put files in data folder
- Run process_input/preprocessing_add_row_ids
- Adds row ids to file
- Change training file to 1458645.csv (number of rows in file)
- Update GD/SGD parameters in
- Run . or call python
- To run multiple against multiple training sizes, use
- The list fns must be file names of files in the data folder (minus the csv extention)
Folder structure: Pseudo_code - holds project pseudo code report - contains powerpoint with conclusions and graphs results - training cross validaiton and test results src - python code and scripts to run linear regression src/not_used/ - miscellanous code that was not used for project src/process_input - python code to process training data test_input - small training sets to test code # not included for submission