- Viewing a list of entries
- Adding an entry
- Editing an entry
- Deleting an entry
- /api/entries GET, POST
- /api/entries/1 GET, PUT, DELETE
- /api/activities GET
- /api/intensities GET
- 200 OK
- 201 Created
- 204 No Content
- 400 Bad Request
- 500 Internal Server Error
Nuget > Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi
Route default is in Treehouse.FitnessFrog.Spa > WebApiConfig.cs
Soap UI > GET >
- http://localhost:51487/api/entries
- http://localhost:51487/api/entries/1
- HEADER = application/json
- HEADER = application/xml
- raw / json / post / with the following body
"date": "1/1/2017",
"activityId": 1,
"duration": 4.5,
"intensity": 1,
"exclude": false,
"notes": null
= 201 Created response.
= http method attributes vs. http method namesGet()
for EntriesController.cs, and may useGetEntries()
- Nuget > simpleinjector.integration.webapi.webhost.quickstart