
ASP.NET At Your Service: Web API https://code.tutsplus.com/categories/aspnet-web-api/courses

  • Fiddler API Tester
  • Project > Properties > Don't Open A Page - Great for creating web api since it won't open up a page, but instead would just run the program and allow you to fire request against the API without having to close a browser or deal with a browser window.
  • By default you need to use id due to
    name: "DefaultApi",
    routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
    defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

public int Get(int number) //this won't work, what will trigger this is /api/test/?number=5 since it needs to be
public int Get (int id)

// this would work because it has Get in the name for /api/test/?number=5
public int GetNumber(int number) 

//this will work due to the attribute for /api/test/?number=5
public int IWantANumber(int number) 
  • Accept: application/json
publc HttpResponseMessage Get() {
  return Request.GetResponse(HttpStatusCode.Ok, "some body message");

public IHttpResponseResult Get() {
  return Ok( $some_obj_that_will_show_in_body ); //return class that represence the status code, this is a better approach

// Will work because the default route is {id} and an integer
public IHttpResponseResult Post(int id) {
  return Ok(id);
// If its not an ID like the one before, you need to specify it in the body or uri [FromBody/FromUri]
// if from URI, /api/test?id=1&desc=test
public IHttpResponseResult Post ([FromBody]Sample s) {
  return Ok(s.id);
  • jsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.DateFormatHandling


4.3 Entity Framework and Code First

  • New > Project > ASP.NET Application C# > Web Api
  • Reference (in Solution Explorer) -> Manage Nuget Package -> Search for Entity Framework (Entity Framework is Microsoft's recommended data access technology for new applications)
  • A user entity was created (Entities/User.cs) that will map to the database in the CF approach.
  • AppDBContext.cs was created (anything that is a context should be suffix as DBContext) to map the entity to a database.
  • In Package Manager Console run Enable-Migrations and a Migrations folder is created.
  • Add-Migration Initial to create our first migration so Entity Framework knows how to map to the database.
  • Update-Database any migration not been run, it will apply the migrations. It will also run seed.
  • In Server Explorer click on Connect to Database icon and then
    • Server name: (LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB ref (localdb)\v11.0
    • Select or enter a database name: soemthing with DEFAULTCONNECTION, very long string
  • Create Account entity (AppDBContext.cs, Entites/Account.cs, User.cs) and then add a new Add-NMigration Added_Account
  • Add something like this in the web.config
    <add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\aspnet-stats-20180117095623.mdf;Initial Catalog=aspnet-api.nlt.to-20180117095623;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

4.5 Repository and Service Layer patterns

  • Everything inherits from EntityBase so that the ID is kept dry.
  • The ReportingBase.cs and EntityBase.cs are abstract since you'll never need to instantiate these class directly since they don't provide any value other than a template class for those that inherits from it.
  • EntityBase also inherits from ReportingBase
  • In Team, public virtual ICollection<Player> Players { get; set; } represents that a Team can have many players. But in Player, public virtual Team Team { get; set; } represents that a player can only be represented by one team. As you can see, the definition is on both objects.
  • StatsDBContext.cs is outside the Entities folder since its a DB Context. And this will map all out entities (Game, Team Player, and GameEvent) to the database.
  • Because there are 2 migrations, you may need to remove one or refactor. Then when you Update-Database you may need to create a new Data Connection.
  • Seed is in Configuration.cs ![database table]: https://github.com/sarn1/aspnet-example-web-api/blob/master/readme_resources/tables.JPG "Database tables"
  • All of this pattern allows for easy service layer to do the following:
	var service = new StatsService();

4.7 Model Validator

  • [ModelValidator] code is in Filter/ModelValidatorAttributes.cs and is used in PlayerController.cs

4.8 More Actions

4.9 Custom Routing

// WebApiConfig.cs

// custom route
	name: "GameEvent",
	routeTemplate: "api/game/events",
	defaults: new { controller = "game", action = "CreateEvent" }

// goes to GameEcontroller.cs 
public IHttpActionResult CreateEvent([FromBody] GameEventModel gameEventModel)

5.2 Enhancing Model

  • Player model now includes URL. Uses UrlHelper