Twitter Bot Post Detection

This repository contains a trained model for detecting Twitter bot posts, akin to the functionality of Botometer. Given that Botometer is a premium service requiring payment for API access, this project has been developed as an open-source alternative.

Our model has been trained on 50,000 bot and genuine posts using state-of-the-art machine learning technologies, such as OpenAI and BERT. It has achieved an overall accuracy of 87% in bot detection.


The dataset used for training was sourced from open-access resources, and benchmarked data was employed for testing purposes. One such dataset used was TwiBot-20.

Reference papaer:

@inproceedings{feng2021twibot, title={Twibot-20: A comprehensive twitter bot detection benchmark}, author={Feng, Shangbin and Wan, Herun and Wang, Ningnan and Li, Jundong and Luo, Minnan}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management}, pages={4485--4494}, year={2021} }

Model Access

The trained model,, is available for download from Google Drive via the following link. Should you encounter any issues in accessing the model, please feel free to contact me via email at

Usage Instructions

To use the model, run the or model.ipynb file, and make sure u have downloawd bfeore running it.

Required Libraries

You may need to install the following libraries:

  1. torch: Install using pip install torch
  2. transformers: Install using pip install transformers
  3. pandas: Install using pip install pandas

These libraries are necessary for running the model and processing data.