
Construct scikit-learn models without programming.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Construct models for scikit-learn without programming, only with json files.

Install and Usage

git clone https://github.com/saromanov/scikit-json
cd scikit-json
python scikit_json.py --json jsonfiles/example.json


json file example with datasets from sklearn

    "class1" : {
        "dataset": "load_iris", 
        "method": "neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier",
        "predict": [5.8,6.7,2.5,1.6]



example of json file with link to your dataset

    "class1" : {
        "dataset_file": {
            "path": "./toy.txt",
            "data": [0,3],
            "labels": [4,5],
            "split": ","
        "method": "neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier",
        "predict": [7,8,5]



example of json file with model parameters

    "class1" : {
        "dataset": "load_iris", 
        "method": {
            "name": "svm.SVC",
            "params": {
                "kernel": "rbf",
                "gamma" : 0.001,
                "max_iter": 100

        "predict": [5.8,6.7,2.5,1.6]



example of json file with saving model

    "class1" : {
        "dataset": "load_iris", 
        "method": "neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier",
        "predict": [5.8,6.7,2.5,1.6],
        "save": "./model1.pkl"


    "class2": {
        "dataset": "load_iris", 
        "method": "svm.SVC",
        "predict": [5.8,6.7,2.5,1.6],
        "save": "./model2.pkl"


example of json file with loading model

    "class1": {
        "load": "./model1.pkl",
        "predict": [5.8,6.7,2.5,1.6]

Description of fields

class1 - title of experiment. Example: "Experiment1", "experiment2", "foobar", etc

dataset - title of dataset from scikit Example: "load_iris", "load_digits", "load_boston"

dataset_file - user dataset object

  • path - path to your dataset
  • data - [startindex, endindex] - Get
  • labels - [startindex, endindex] - Get labels
  • split - spliting string symbol


"dataset_file": {
            "path": "data.csv",
            "data": [0,3],
            "labels": [4],
            "split": ","

method - Method name from scikit learn Example: "method": "svm.SVC" "method": "neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier"

Or, use extended definition of method

"method": {
            "name": "svm.SVC",
            "params": {
                "kernel": "rbf",
                "gamma" : 0.001,
                "max_iter": 100


predict - Data for prediction (in list type) Example: [1,2,3], [1], [0.8,0.5,0.6,0.7]
