
A Ruby on Rails conference management app

Primary LanguageRuby

Woodrow Wilson Event App

This is an event management application for the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, a higher education foundation that identifies top talent to solve the nation's most pressing problems.

The app is currently intended to host one event at a time, but the hope is to expand it to a full-fledged event management system for multiple departments/programs.

Please feel free to fork it for use at your own organization.


  • Ruby 1.9.3
  • Rails 3.2.16
  • Sqlite3

If you need assistance installing these programs, I strongly recommend the step-by-step instructions included in the Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl.


Installation is typical to most simple Rails apps.

Then run each of these commands in the terminal:

  1. Run bundle install.

  2. Configure the app for your local database by copying database.yml.sample to database.yml and making any changes needed for your database setup.

  3. rake db:create

  4. rake db:migrate

  5. rake db:populate

  6. rails s

Then find your local event app at http://localhost:3000.