
Newsletter using Trello boards

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


The Trello Newsletter gem is inspired by the Changelog's Trello as a CMS blog post. The gem converts cards in a Trello board into a HTML newsletter which is sent to Mailchimp ready to be sent out.

It's currently specific to Code Newbie but there will be steps to make it more accessible to everyone.


Before we can begin, clone the gem into your directory:

git clone git@github.com:code-newbies/trello_newsletter.git

Next is setting up your environment variables. Your environment variables will store your secret API key's. We need two sets of API key's to get this working; Trello and Mailchimp.

Trello key

We use the ruby-trello gem and these instructions are appropriated from that project.

  1. Get your api key from trello.com/app-key. Set it as environment variable 'TRELLO_DEVELOPER_PUBLIC_KEY'. To do this enter this command in your terminal:

export TRELLO_DEVELOPER_PUBLIC_KEY=trello.com/app-key

To make sure that this is loaded every time you start a new terminal session. You can place this command in ~/.profile.

  1. Get your member token by visiting this url: https://trello.com/1/authorize?key=YOURAPIKEY&response_type=token&expiration=never
  • key: Your api key, the key that you got from step one.
  • response_type: 'token'
  • expiration: 'never' if you want your token to never expire (which is what we want). If you leave this blank the token generated will expire in 30 days.

Set the member token to an environment variable called 'TRELLO_MEMBER_TOKEN' using the process in step 1.

Mailchimp key

  1. Navigate to 'account settings' in Mailchimp.
  2. Under 'Extras' menu there is an 'Api Keys' option.
  3. On that page under the 'Your API keys' heading you have an option to create a new key. Set the key value generated to an environment variable named 'MAILCHIMP_KEY'.

Generating the newsletter

Once we have both the Mailchimp and Trello Api keys we can go ahead and generate the newsletter.

  1. bundle install to install any dependencies.
  2. Run rake generate.

This rake task will do two things:

  1. Generate your email HTML file using information from the Trello board.
  2. Zip the file (and a header_image.png if included) and then send it to Mailchimp.

After running rake generate check Mailchimp to make sure the newsletter looks right and then schedule for it to be sent out!


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/trello_newsletter/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request