
Capstone FOPD, revised

Primary LanguagePython

Fopd Web Service

This RESTful backend web service is developed to abstract nuances and nitty-gritty details of working with a raspberry-pi controlled plant growing environments (a.k.a. Food Computer). A separate client is being developed independently to use provide a user friendly UI for using the web service


Linux/Unix OS

Create a virtual environment with:

python3 -m venv _dir_name_here_

Upon creating the virtual environment, navigate to it via the command:

cd _dir_name_here_

Install the necessary dependencies for the project to run after setting up a virtual environment. Run:

make python-packages

# or

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

to install the dependencies.

Initialize and create the db with the following command:

make create-db

# or

make db-init
make db-migrate
make db-upgrade

# or

python3 manage.py db init
python3 manage.py db migrate
python3 manage.py db upgrade

To run the project:

make run

# or

python3 manage.py run

The Makefile provided here contains all the necessary commands to recreate and run the application


.PHONY: clean python-packages install db run all

	@echo "Navigate into the root directory and set up a virtual environment"
	@echo "To create the virtual env execute `python3 -m  venv {dirname}`
	@echo ""
	@echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of"
	@echo "  clean      to clean project directory"
	@echo "  install    to install application dependencies with pip"
	@echo "  db-init    to initialize application database"
	@echo "  db         to initialize and upgrade application database"
	@echo "  run        to run project"

	find . -type d -name '__pycache__' -exec rm -r {} +
	find . -type f -name '*.pyc' -delete

	pip install -r requirements.txt

install:  python-packages

	python $(MANAGE) run

	python $(MANAGE) db init

	python $(MANAGE) db upgrade

	python $(MANAGE) db migrate

	python $(MANAGE) db downgrade

create-db: db-init db-migrate db-upgrade

all: clean install db run