
Demonstration REST API on ASP.NET Core for store management, using JWT authentication and role-based authorization.

Primary LanguageC#

Store Manager

A demonstration REST API for store management, using JWT authentication and role-based authorization.


Clone this project

git clone https://github.com/ThiagoBerrutti/sales-api.git

How to run this API

You have two alternatives:

[1] The online API and database are hosted separately (on Heroku and Somee, respectively), so online testing depends on both hosts availability


What it does

Although this API provides endpoints to perform operations with products and stock control, the focus of this demo is about the authentication/authorization process it uses.

It uses a role-based authorization, that is, access to the API endpoints depends on the roles assigned to the user.

Upon registration, an user has no roles assigned. To have roles assigned to it, after the user registration an Administrator or Manager should do the operation.

See on Wiki

Technologies used

  • ASP.NET Core 3.1
  • Entity Framework Core
  • SQLServer 2019
  • Identity
  • Docker (see more)
  • Swagger
  • FluentValidation
  • AutoMapper
  • XUnit
  • Moq

Project remarks

  • One of the purposes of this project is the implementation of some patterns. Some of these are:
    • 3-layer architecture (DAL, Services and the API), in a single project.
    • Repository pattern
    • Unit of Work pattern (on top of EF Core)
    • Problem Details as a standard error response
    • SOLID
    • Request-Response for services communication
  • Uses a middleware for exception handling
  • Consumes external API for random user generation
  • Documented in detail on swagger
  • Includes basic integration tests, and a few unit tests