- 1
Should this plugin still be used?
#164 opened by newuser44 - 1
- 1
uncaptured error during startup
#142 opened by ciekawy - 0
- 6
- 2
xcode 10 fabric not detecting archive
#143 opened by xGeorge - 0
- 0
Conditionally initialize reporting
#160 opened by csabbey - 8
- 1
Fabric Roadmap
#147 opened by igenroot - 6
- 6
- 0
Do we still need Fabric?
#157 opened by kinoli - 0
opencollective produces permission denied error
#156 opened by ArcTanSusan - 0
I don't see my App on the Fabric Dashboard
#150 opened by clarablaze - 1
Android not build and App not listed in dashboard
#144 opened by SabaGit-u - 2
Can't get it to work for iOS (Ionic 2+ app)
#118 opened by zarko-tg - 0
FabricPlugin and Ionic3
#149 opened by pertoft - 1
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Crashlytics' of undefined - ionic1 1.2.4
#135 opened by acipher - 19
- 37
How to use this plugin in ionic 2
#104 opened by blueror815 - 7
- 0
- 3
- 3
Error: Cannot find module 'xcode'
#141 opened by pjorquera - 2
exec proxy not found for :: FabricPlugin :: addLog
#138 opened by 5Xtester - 1
Where do I see the logs?
#123 opened by Jatapiaro - 1
support for fabric web
#133 opened by ciekawy - 0
Auto distribution Android version.
#140 opened by Atsyn - 2
sendCustomEvent with attributes
#115 opened by ssaurav2512 - 6
Crashlytics halted compilation because it can't extract Crashlytics build info from the APK:
#127 opened by bmwertman - 3
iOS app not exists on Fabric Dashboard
#130 opened by birfincankafein - 0
iOS crash not reported
#136 opened by csabbey - 0
Enable opt-in reporting
#132 opened by rolandnagy - 4
Integration Fabric - Firebase
#121 opened by thpoiani - 1
Working with Angular 1.5
#125 opened by edmondchui - 1
- 0
Shell Script not replacing the environment variable
#102 opened by mci92 - 1
- 2
Thread 1:EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0) on sendCrash() Method
#110 opened by yedeveloper - 2
Missing log on simulate crash
#100 opened by lcaprini - 0
add new tag for new version of crashlytics
#117 opened by russ666 - 0
Problem in getting started
#114 opened by farazhere - 0
- 0
Add Zendesk Support
#109 opened by tavosansal - 0
please add the ability to pass class name , i can get class name in es6 and angular2 ts
#108 opened by BahgatMashaly - 0
IOS trace with Ionic 3
#107 opened by jhcruz - 0
- 1
Build failed after adding fabric plugin.
#103 opened by viveksinha121 - 0
still not able to track events twitter ads
#99 opened by burhan059