Gulp starter which will helps you for multiple tasks:

  • concatenate and transpile ES6 files into Javascript
  • concatenate and transpile stylus files into CSS
  • generate all the needed favicons
  • generate sprites from SVG and PNG files



Because tasks are written with ES6, you need a recent version of Node. To update node, you can do it with NPM:

sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable```

### Images tools

In order to work with pictures, you also need some tools to modify them: ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick.
You can install them via Homebrew.

To install Homebrew:
`ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"`

Then you can run:
```brew install imagemagick
brew install graphicsmagick```

### Install the packages

Now just run:

`npm install`


All important parameters are ruled in a config file in `./task-runner/config.yml`.
For each task, you have an array of objects per file you want to compile. It can be usefull if you need different output for a desktop version and a mobile version for example.