
Sync agent for my study system

Primary LanguageRust

study-sync is a service designed to run alongside RetroArch on a device like an RG351M to provide the following features:

  • Track game start and end times and sync them to an external service ("intake"). Big fan of Quantified Self
  • Sync all screenshots, organized by game, to an external service ("study"). I turn these into Anki flashcards
  • Sync all save states and save files, each bundled with the latest screenshot for identification, to an external service ("saves"). Also keeps them locally so I can time travel to any save using select-save.
  • Notify player of progress and errors by blinking the device's LED
  • Allow restarting study-sync, or the entire device, without losing any state; including graceful shutdown on SIGTERM/ctrl-c
  • Fully tolerate being offline (or on an unreliable connection) for extended periods, and automatically sync everything when back online
  • Tries to be efficient and so does not copy files; instead, manages hardlinks, retries uploads with backoff, etc.

It's written in async Rust where each component has its own "thread". The components are:

  • orchestrator is the event dispatcher
  • server creates an HTTP listener to receive events from RetroArch and the operating system
  • watcher watches the filesystem for new screenshots and saves
  • database uses SQLite to track game starts and ends, and sync status
  • intake syncs game starts and ends to an "intake" service
  • screenshots syncs screenshots to a "study" service
  • saves syncs save states to a "saves" service
  • notify writes to a GPIO pin which controls an LED to indicate progress and errors