BlogCity is a web-app made by using the django framework of python along with bootstrap 4 for the frontend! A few changes need to be made on the front-end and are currently under way.
Although several modules have been employed for the development of this website, it is primarily based on and developed using the django framework. However, PIL, bootstrap4, AOS library, jQuery, crispy forms are a few other major packaes used.
This project develops both the front end as well as the backend of a website, impplying the fullstack development. Form validation, encryption, database management, SQL queries, creating class based views, generating templates and furnishing the UI are a few integral concepts used to achieve the fluidity in this project
- This project helps one understand the true nuances of backend server management along with the bridge between the front and the back.
- A major part of this project includes management of the admin site and handling databases, which is an essential practical skill required in professional fullstack development
- Frontend development includes usage of Popper js, bootstrap4 and jquery which help in the creation of dynamic webpages
- As with any web framework, django helps in usage of many OOPs concepts, along with the requirement of intermediate data structures
Work is currently under way.
Deployed at (
Django framework full course by Corey Schafer.