
This is a classic snake game made by using pygame module of python, implemented using python data structures.

Primary LanguagePython

The Classic Snake Game (or should I call it 'The Python' hahaha)🐍

This is a classic snake game made by using pygame module of python, implemented using python data structures.

Modules Used🧩

The game is primarily based off the pyame module of python to load images, display shapes, update screen, etc. Additional modules used to facilitate the usage of pygame are random, math and sys.

Concepts Used👩‍💻

This project uses fundamental concepts such as handling and managing data structures in python, usage of media files in pygame, handling of exceptions and event loops in python and dealing with infinite game loops.

Instructions to play🎮

  1. Use left, right, up, down arrow keys to move the snake
  2. Apples will appear on the screen. Eating each apple gives you 10 points.
  3. If you hit the ends of the screen, the game will be over
  4. If you accidentally eat your own body, the game will be over.

Learning Outcomes➕

  • Data structures such as lists and tuples have been extensively used in the project. They have also been passed to functions and returned, thus strengthening the understanding and knowledge of data structures in python programming.
  • Fundamental game development concepts such as infite loops, event handling loops, display updation, game over screen, replay options, calculation of score and many more are realized with the help of this project

Future update✈

A future update may contain a classic and an arcade mode. However, that is not in the near future!