Movie Shelf is a native android app that allows users to search for movies by title, view movie details, leave reviews and ratings and add movies to watchlist. The app uses the The Movie Database API to search for movies and retrieve movie data. It uses Firebase Authentication (Email & Password). It also uses Firebase Firestore to store data related to users, movies and reviews.
- Search for movies by title using the TMDB API
- View movie details, including the title, description, genres, cast, crew, rating, etc.
- Leave rating and reviews for movies. (Users can multiple reviews for a movie, though only the latest rating is saved.)
- Add movies to watchlist.
- Authenticate using email/password.
- Jetpack Compose
- Firebase
- Retrofit
- Gson Converter
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Dagger-Hilt
- Coil
The Movie DataBase (TMDB) API Letterboxd App Design