
One of the most used Languages : "Python" has gained its inspiration from ABC Programming Language. Since I am implementing the language of Python, the curiosity to check up on its history and inspiration has led to the building this project.

Primary LanguageBatchfile



One of the most used Languages : "Python" has gained its inspiration from ABC Programming Language. Since I am implementing the language of Python, the curiosity to check up on its history and inspiration has led to the building this project.

This Repositoy contains the simple multi-paradigm ABC Programming Language.Leo Geurts, Lambert Meertens and Steven Pemberton are the designers of this language and developed this in their fourth iteration.

ABC inspired the idea of:

Significant Indentation
Not Explicitly Variable Declaration
Simple to use
  1. ABC has been used for the teaching purpose due to ease of code readibility.
  2. It allows to learn principles because of reduced syntax
  3. It is Student-Friendly

Can you believe this language's aim was to replace the then most used programming langauage : PASCAL

The Last Stable Release of this was released in 1991

Guido Van Rossum worked in the project of ABC

An Introduction

ABC Quick Reference

ABC Quick Downloads