1. clone the repository using git clone
  2. change directory into interviewme/commsModule run: npm install run: npx nodemon server.js
  3. change directory into .interviewme/interview run: npm install

change directory into interviewme/interview/backend run: npx nodemon server.js 4) change directory to interviewme/interview/src run: npm start 5) In case of errors shown in step 4 ( ie. a browser with the webpage does not open) run: export NODE_OPTIONS=—openssl-legacy-provider followed by run: npm start List of recommended browsers : Although the npm start command will open a window in the browser that is set default on your machines the following is a list of browsers that we recommend you to open the localhost at :

  1. Brave
  2. Firefox
  3. Safari Although chrome works as well sometimes there is a cors issue while communicating between inter port processes as we have and so we do not advise using it to test the application.