
Image and Text Steganography CLI tool - highly interactive, good resolution result images, provides both Image in Image and Text in Image steganography

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Perform Image and Text based steganography operations right from your terminal.


  • Image Steganography
  • Text Steganography
  • Better resolution Image steganography
  • Interactive and modern CLI

Install StenoCLI


  • A terminal
  • python >= 2.7


  • pip install stenocli

For Developers

PRs are welcomed, please fork this repository before following the below steps

  • clone your forked repo and cd into it, then follow the below commands
  • virtualenv .
  • source ./bin/activate
  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • python3 cli.py

Found Something broken

If you come across any bugs, errors or have any suggestions please feel free to open an issue here

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