
Azure IoT Edge for Linux on Windows

MIT LicenseMIT

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Azure IoT Edge for Linux on Windows

Welcome to the home of Azure IoT Edge for Linux on Windows, a composite project enabling the abilty to run Linux-based Edge modules on Windows using a curated virtual machine based on CBL Mariner Linux with Azure IoT Edge built-in.

Azure IoT Edge for Linux on Windows is now Generally Available.

Getting Started


Issues can be filed in the issues section of either the iotedge or iotedge-eflow Github repositories depending on the specific issue that you are experiencing. If you are encountering a production level issue in which you require assistance, we strongly suggest that you Create an Azure Support Request.

Feature requests

Feature requests can be filed on the Azure IoT Edge User Voice page.

Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct.
