Paper Rock Scissor Game Project

How to Play

Select one of the following options: Spock, Rock, Paper, Scissor, or Lizard.
To quit the game, type "exit" and press enter.
The computer will randomly choose its play.
The winner will be determined based on the rules of the game.
Repeat the steps to play again.


The game uses the following emojis to represent each play:

Spock: 🖖 (from "Star Trek")
Rock: 👊
Paper: ✋
Scissor: ✌️
Lizard: 🦎

The winning plays are as follows:

Scissor defeats Lizard and Paper
Rock defeats Scissor and Lizard
Paper defeats Rock and Spock
Lizard defeats Paper and Spock
Spock defeats Rock and Scissor

Download the repository and open the terminal in the project

$ git clone
$ cd big_bang_theory_paper_rock_scissor_game

How to install

Enter the following commands

$ python -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
$ source <venv>/<bin or Scripts>/activate