Python Don't Miss Live


Don't Miss Live is a convenient command-line tool designed for users who are often away from their computers and need to access live game streams that offer in-game rewards (drops).

How it Works

Don't Miss Live allows you to specify a link and a scheduled time. When the scheduled time matches the local time of your computer, the link will automatically open in your default web browser. This enables you to log into game streams and claim any drops or rewards without needing to be at your computer when the live starts.


Run the Python program and provide the link you want to open.
Enter the scheduled time for the link to be opened.
Optionally, specify your preferred web browser to open the link (leave blank for default).
The program will continuously check the current time, and when the scheduled time is reached, it will open the link in the selected web browser.

Getting Started

To get started with Don't Miss Live, follow these steps:

Download the repository.
Open the terminal in the project directory:
$ git clone
$ cd dont_miss_live

How to Install

Enter the following commands:

$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate  # For Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

How to Use

To use Don't Miss Live, run the following command:

$ python

The program will prompt you to input the link and the scheduled time for the live stream. You can also specify your preferred web browser to open the link.


Enter the link you want to open:
Enter the time in format HH:MM (e.g., 09:30): 15:00

Enjoy the convenience of automatically accessing game streams and claiming rewards without being physically present. Don't miss out on any exciting in-game rewards!