Fun Exercise: Git Collaboration and Feature Toggle Challenge

Table of Contents


  • Git
  • Go
    • Mac: brew install go Homebrew or visit Go
    • Windows: choco install go Chocolatey
    • Linux: sudo apt-get install golang-go


Step 1: Fork the repository


Step 2: Clone the forked repository to your local machine

  • Clone the forked repository to your local machine
git clone <your-forked-repository-url>


Challenge 1: Three-Way Merge Practice by using git commit and git merge


  • Create a new branch from the main branch e.g. maithai-feature
  • Checkout to the new branch
  • Edit the file by adding your name to the Contributors section
  • git status to see status of the changes
  • git diff to see the changes
  • Add the changes to the staging area
  • git diff --staged to see the changes in the staging area
  • Commit the changes
  • Checkout to the main branch
  • Merge the new branch to the main branch
  • Push the changes to the remote repository at main branch verify by using git log --graph --oneline. You should see the commit history like below:
* commit C (main): Merge branch 'maithai-feature'
| * commit B (maithai-feature): Implement feature Maithai
* commit A: Initial project setup
Hint Challenge 1 (try it your self first before open this hint)
  • Create a new branch from the main branch e.g. maithai-feature
git branch maithai-feature
  • Checkout to the new branch
git checkout maithai-feature
  • Edit the file by adding your name to the Contributors section
  • Commit the changes
git add
git commit -m "Add my name to the Contributors section"
  • Checkout to the main branch
git checkout main
  • Merge the new branch to the main branch
git merge maithai-feature --no-ff
  • Push the changes to the remote repository at main branch
git push origin main

Challenge 2: Three-Way Merge Practice by using Pull Request


  • Create a new branch from the main branch e.g. monkan-feature
  • Checkout to the new branch
  • Edit the file by adding your name to the Contributors section
  • git status to see status of the changes
  • git diff to see the changes
  • Add the changes to the staging area
  • git diff --staged to see the changes in the staging area
  • Commit the changes
  • Push the changes to the remote repository at the new branch
  • Create a Pull Request from the new branch to your main branch (⚠️ Create PR for your repository)
  • Merge the Pull Request
  • Pull the changes from the remote repository at the main branch
  • Verify by using git log --graph --oneline. You should see the commit history like below:
* commit E (HEAD -> main, origin/main): Merge pull request #1 from <your-github-username>/monkan-feature
| * commit C (monkan-feature): Implement feature Monkan
* commit C (main): Merge branch 'maithai-feature'
| * commit B (maithai-feature): Implement feature Maithai
* commit A: Initial project setup
Hint Challenge 2 (try it your self first before open this hint)
  • Create a new branch from the main branch e.g. monkan-feature
git branch monkan-feature
  • Checkout to the new branch
git checkout monkan-feature
  • Edit the file by adding your name to the Contributors section
  • Commit the changes
git add
git commit -m "Add my name to the Contributors section"
  • Push the changes to the remote repository at the new branch
git push origin monkan-feature
  • Create a Pull Request from the new branch to the main branch
  • Merge the Pull Request
  • Pull the changes from the remote repository at the main branch
git pull origin main

Challenge 3: Feature Toggle

Don't worry if you are not familiar with Go. You can still complete this challenge by following the guide below.


  • Checkout to the main branch
  • Go to challenge3 directory cd challenge-3-feature-toggle directory
  • go run main.go or make go-run and verify the result. You should see Sending via SMS.
Email notification feature toggle is DISABLED
Sending SMS to 0812345678: Hello, Go!
  • ⚠️ Unable to run the code?
    • Install Go by following the Prerequisites section
    • go version to verify that Go is installed
  • Enable the Email feature by changing isEmailEnabled inside the main function to be true
  • Verify the result make sure the email notification is sent to the email address that you specified by using make go-run then see the result.
  • Commit the changes on the main branch
  • Push the changes to the remote repository at the main branch verify by using make go-run. You should see the email notification is sent to the email address that you specified
Email notification feature toggle is ENABLED
Sending email to Hello, Go!
Hint Challenge 3 (try it your self first before open this hint)
  • Checkout to the main branch
git checkout main
  • Go to challenge3 directory cd challenge-3-feature-toggle directory
  • Enable the feature by changing the isEmailEnabled inside the main function to be true
  • Verify the result make sure the email notification is sent to the email address that you specified
make go-run
  • Commit the changes on the main branch
git add main.go
git commit -m "Enable email notification feature toggle"
  • Push the changes to the remote repository at the main branch
git push origin main

Challenge 4: Tag version


  • Checkout to the main branch
  • Create a new tag e.g. v1.0.0
  • Push the tag to the remote repository
  • Verify by using git tag. You should see the tag that you created or look at the GitHub repository tag section
Hint Challenge 4 (try it your self first before open this hint)
  • Checkout to the main branch
git checkout main
  • Create a new tag e.g. v1.0.0
git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "Release version 1.0.0 : send email notification"
  • Push the tag to the remote repository
git push origin --tags

Challenge 5: Undo Changes ⏰


  • Checkout to the main branch
  • Show the commit history
  • Pick the commit hash that you want to revert
  • Revert the commit (Preserve the history)
Hint Challenge 5 (try it your self first before open this hint)
git revert <commit-hash>

Challenge 6: Cleanup Branch 🧹


  • Delete maithai-feature and monkan-feature branch
  • Push the changes to the remote repository
Hint Challenge 6 (try it your self first before open this hint)
git branch -d maithai-feature
git push origin --delete maithai-feature

git branch -d monkan-feature
git push origin --delete monkan-feature