
The social media app backend written in DRF combines anonymity with powerful features tailored to the needs of recruiters, offering a secure and efficient platform for talent acquisition while respecting user privacy.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

API Endpoints


Create User

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • URL: /users/

Retrieve User

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • URL: /users/{user_id}/

Update User

  • HTTP Method: PUT
  • URL: /users/{user_id}/

Delete User

  • HTTP Method: DELETE
  • URL: /users/{user_id}/

Find User

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • URL: /users/find_user/?username={username}


List all posts

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • URL: /posts/

Create a new post

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • URL: /posts/

Retrieve a specific post

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • URL: /posts/{post_id}/

Update a specific post

  • HTTP Method: PUT
  • URL: /posts/{post_id}/

Partially update a specific post

  • HTTP Method: PATCH
  • URL: /posts/{post_id}/

Delete a specific post

  • HTTP Method: DELETE
  • URL: /posts/{post_id}/


Create Comment

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • URL: /comments/
  • Action Method: create

Retrieve Comment by ID or Author's Username

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • URL (by Comment ID): /comments/{comment_id}/
  • URL (by Author's Username): /comments/{author_username}/
  • Action Method: retrieve

Update Comment by ID

  • HTTP Method: PUT or PATCH
  • URL: /comments/{comment_id}/
  • Action Method: update

Delete Comment by ID

  • HTTP Method: DELETE
  • URL: /comments/{comment_id}/
  • Action Method: destroy

List Comments (All Comments)

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • URL: /comments/

Friend Request API Endpoints

Here are the API endpoints for managing friend requests:

  • List all friend requests:

    • HTTP Method: GET
    • Endpoint: /api/friend-requests/
  • Create a new friend request:

    • HTTP Method: POST
    • Endpoint: /api/friend-requests/
  • Retrieve a specific friend request:

    • HTTP Method: GET
    • Endpoint: /api/friend-requests/{request_id}/
    • Replace {request_id} with the actual request ID to retrieve a specific friend request.
  • Update a specific friend request:

    • HTTP Method: PUT
    • Endpoint: /api/friend-requests/{request_id}/
    • Replace {request_id} with the actual request ID to update a specific friend request.
  • Partial update of a specific friend request:

    • HTTP Method: PATCH
    • Endpoint: /api/friend-requests/{request_id}/
    • Replace {request_id} with the actual request ID to partially update a specific friend request.
  • Delete a specific friend request:

    • HTTP Method: DELETE
    • Endpoint: /api/friend-requests/{request_id}/
    • Replace {request_id} with the actual request ID to delete a specific friend request.

Retrieve Comments on a Particular Post

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • URL: /comments/comments_on_post/{post_id}/
  • Action Method: comments_on_post