run node server/index.js or npm start to run server (do not forget to install dependencies first by doing npm i)
all starting setup for authentication etc are in server/app.js
all routes are at server/index.js
all passport configuration are at server/middleware/auth.js
all database requirement files are at server/db
all models are at server/models
starting route is at '' which redirects it to result page which will check for authentication and if not authenticated would redirect to '/login' route else will render index.ejs
at login route would google sign in box will open for sign in
after sucessfull sign in, we would save user's google id in database and create a cookie containing that id(hashed and salted). then it would be redirected back to '/auth/google/home'
here we authenticate and will set that cookie to req.user object so that we could id for further use with user.then we would be redirected to '/result' route.
at result route,we would check is user logged in if he is logged in we would render 'index.ejs' else we would redirect it to 'login' route