SawaUp Challenge

This application gives the user the ability to select skills and see the courses curated by SawaUp.


  • Node.js
  • NPM


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run npm install to install the dependencies
  3. Run npm run build to build the application
  4. Run npm run dev to start the application

Application Structure

The application is built using NextJS and Prisma. The application is structured as follows:

  • components - Contains the components used in the application
  • pages - Contains the pages of the application
  • public - Contains the static files of the application
  • styles - Contains the styles of the application
  • types - Contains the types used in the application
  • prisma - Contains the database schema and migrations
  • lib - Contains the helper functions used in the application


The database is a sqlite db file inside the prisma folder. The database schema is defined in the prisma/schema.prisma file. The database migrations are defined in the prisma/migrations folder.


There are no APIs as such. The application uses the Prisma ORM to query the database. If I would have chose to store selected skills and favorite courses in the database I would have used the next pages/api folder, but as sqlite data would be lost on every build anyway. I did not implement this feature.

Filtering Courses based on selected skills

The application uses the useEffect hook to filter the courses based on the selected skills. The useEffect hook is called every time the selected skills change. Inside the hook function courses are filtered based on total number of matched skills. A step by step explaination is present in the pages/index.tsx file.

Lighthouse Metrics

Screenshot 2023-01-06 at 12 28 42 AM

Things I wanted to implement

  • Fetch video thumbnail from youtube
  • Implement a better UI for courses carousel
  • Persist selected skills and favourites in db in a separate table similar to user preferences